After getting the chance to sleep in slightly more than usual, we all piled into the bus for what we knew was going to be a draining experience. We arrived at the Genocide Museum and Memorial after an anxious bus ride and explored the grounds a bit before entering. Each team member placed a flower at the eternal flame and paid their respects. The museum itself was horrific and beautiful and powerful all at the same time. I know that I speak for everybody when I say that this was an experience none of us will ever forget.

Taking a few minutes on the bus to collect ourselves, we headed out to the Armenian Tree Project headquarters to have a tour of the facilities and learn what they do since they coordinate with the Fuller Center frequently. We tasted fruit picked right from the trees and learned a lot about their charitable work throughout the country.

Because it was such a beautiful day, we then trekked out to Lake Seven - a mere two hour drive on a smelly bus :-) but it was totally worth it. We climbed up what seemed like hundreds of steps to Sevanank, a monastery with a gorgeous view of the lake and mountains. Lunch was served at a seaside restaurant and we then spent some time dipping our feet into the water and skipping stones. It wasn't as cold we we thought it would be! After some shopping where some duduks were purchased, we headed back to the hotel to freshen up for dinner. A quick stop along the highway to collect some obsidian was a necessity as well.

Dinner was an adventure. Part of the group went to Susan's apartment to prepare a delicious meal of chicken (cooked lovingly by a vegetarian), rice pilaf, left-overs stolen from the previous night's restaurant, salads, bread, green beans, and of course - wine! :-) We ate too much, laughed a lot, watched Susan and Mike belly dance for us, and had a really great time! In honor of young David's birthday, we had a Gata cake and sang for him. After dinner a few people went out for some drinks and another beautiful day in Armenia came to an end.
By: Natalie Canamucio
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